Posted by She Said
Before I am flogged for being a blogger slacker, here’s a summary of my last couple of months that may merit your forgiveness:
- Kids in school – there three times a day for drop offs and pick ups.
- Sell house.
- Pack up house.
- Soccer practices and games.
- Almost move into bane of our existence, aka the condo.
- Get email on the day we are moving into the bane that the sale of it is being “expedited”.
- Decide NOT to move into the bane.
- Frantically find house to rent in the right school zone (not an easy task).
- Find house.
- Track down property manager.
- Soccer practices and games.
- Attend three birthday parties and a BBQ in one weekend!
- Move. One. Van Load. At. A. Time.
OK, can you tell our life has been rather frantic lately? On the upside, we have now been successfully, and I use that term loosely, living in our new house for almost two weeks. As we navigate through school life, work, spelling tests, birthday parties, and boxes, we are trying to find our familial groove again. Apparently Charmin didn’t get the memo. Because instead of just being a nuisance by barking at every moving creature she can spot through the fence like she did at our old house, she has decided to jump it and just go see what it is for herself. Literally. She is jumping our almost 6’ fence.
In an attempt to stop it, we have tried to block the fence.
So, we decided to take her to Doggy Day Care, which worked great, but is not practical for every day. So, we bought a “no jump harness” to keep her from being able to extend her legs fully for her full Houdini-like action.
Yeah, that looks easy to put on a dog that won’t sit still, doesn’t it? Houdini could have used one of these contraptions in his act and wowed everyone. After Greg exercised every brain cell getting it on Charmin this morning, we all successfully went on our way. Greg to work. Me to carpool kids to school and to pick up a pizza to have after a late soccer practice tonight. After a successful drop off of kids and a quick run into the store, Emily and I drove home. TO FIND CHARMIN IN OUR DRIVEWAY. AGAIN. After the fume coming from my ears cleared, I could see the neck part of the contraption was still attached to her, but the rest of it was dragging between her legs. I guess Houdini has found a way to wow everyone after all. By coming back reincarnated as my dog. Lucky me.
Moments after getting Emily, Charmin, and the pizza successfully into the house, our not-quite-working doorbell eked out a pathetic chirp. Unsure of whether someone was actually at the door or not, I opened it to find our local friendly Animal Control. Welcome to the neighborhood! Dog ownership doesn’t get much better than this, folks. Let me tell you.
Dammit, Charmin. Quit looking so cute.
Okay, this is the first time I'm visiting your blog, and I'm already kind of in love with you for the line "Decided not to move into the bane." LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd you have a dog named Charmin. Which is amusing me more than is probably necessary. :)
so which is it susanne the condo or the house you have me confused you mentioned two places to live here?
ReplyDeletefirst you said bane of your existence the condo..then you said rent a house?
ReplyDeleteA pomeranian that we own struggles with rage. He enjoys tackling his stuffed animals, shaking them like a terrier with a rat, and then beginning to hump them while he plays with them. Although I understand that humping is a dog's way of asserting his authority, he still comes out as a savage rapist. Anyway, he will grab one of his toys, beat the crap out of it, and then start humping it when he's furious at one of us (typically because we are leaving him behind when we go someplace). In essence, it is implied that "If I were a larger dog, this is what I would do to you."